Ok. How cuuuute are these? Not just because I made them. Because frankly, I found the idea while perusing cupcakes online. That’s what I do in my spare time. Some people social network, some read, some Pinterest, I spend hours upon hours looking for new cupcake ideas. When I stumbled upon this little number I knew it was the perfect time to try out my new #233 Wilton frosting tip I’d been dying to use.
The day before I made the cupcakes I found a Marzipan recipe and thought…fahgettaboudit! Too much time. Instead I searched the internet for alternatives and lo and behold red M&Ms would do the trick.

I used a Black Gel Icing. I had to practice on a few, and after I got some practice it went pretty well. Next time though, I think I will squeeze the gel into a small baggie and pinch a tiny hole in the corner for better application control. I started with the head first. It had a thick consistency and held shape well. Next I guided the a line down the back and finished up with some dots. It might be best to have a tool like tweezers handy because the gel wanted to stick to my fingers. Place on a paper towel on counter and dry overnight. Or if you don’t want to take two days to make your cupcakes…place right on cupcake! Right before placing on cupcake I saved some white frosting and put the dots (eyes) with a toothpick.

Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Sherri
Serves: 24
These make a perfect summer treat for kids and birthday parties.
- Preheat oven to 350
- 2 cups flour
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup unsweetened cocoa (Hershey’s 🙂 )
- 3/4 cup canola oil
- 1 cup sour cream
- 2 cups hot water
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- Cupcake liners
- Cream Cheese Mint Butter Cream Frosting:
- 1 stick of butter, softened
- 4 oz cream cheese, softened
- 2 lbs confectioners sugar
- 1-2 tsp of pure Mint extract (add a little at time until you get desired minty taste)
- 1-2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream (add a little at time. Frosting should be stiff)
- Add more whipping cream if needed
- Green Food Coloring or paste to tint
- Reserve a little white for the ladybug eyes
- Add dry cake ingredients to stand mixer or if using hand mixer add to bowl
- Add wet ingredient and mix on low to med for a minute or two. Don’t over mix.
- Use ice cream scoop and fill cupcake liners.
- Typically you want the liner to be filled two-thirds of the way full.
- Bake at 350 on middle rack for 6 to 12 minutes.
- Do a Toothpick check. When toothpick comes out clean. They’re ready.
- Take out of pan and let cool on racks or counter.
- When cupcake are completely cooled use your #233 grass/hair tip and go around outside of cupcake edges first. Think PlayDoh years here. Keep tip straight up and squeeze. You can’t go wrong. Practice a few times. You can always wipe the cupcake off and start over. Have fun with it. Now place your Ladybugs on the cupcake and just try and watch people keep their hands off!
Refrigerate any left over cupcakes in air tight storage container.
Hi there!! Love your blog! These cupcakes are adorable & those skewers below…Mmmm!!
I’ll be doing a whole write up about tonight’s cooking class & you’ll have all the info. Or feel free to DM me on Twitter to remind me & I can give you the link there. 🙂
I’m glad I strolled over…I don’t know that I realized we were both in South Florida, and if I did…forgive me…I’m a homeschool mom of three who loves blogging and social media. Hard to keep all the balls in the air sometimes. 🙂
Thanks Denise. I love your blog too. I think you originally followed me onTwitter. We both follow The Food Chow Down. I think that’s the connection.
Your blogs are a reprieve when I need to get on a healthy eating track for some balance. And thanks again, for pointing me to the recipe plug-in. It makes the recipes look so much more professional and it’s easily printable! I love it!
It’s great to have and know other Foodie bloggers in the area. I definitely will be checking out your cooking class blog. My b/f and I signed up for a living social cooking class deal here in Ft. Lauderdale, but we still have yet to schedule it. Can you believe he is the one who suggested we do it together? lol…I think cuz you can BYOB while you cook. Sounds like my kinda cooking class!
Thanks for stopping by Denise. See you over @ your blog 🙂
Those are so stinkin’ cute! Did you say leftovers? Ha! Not a chance!
Actually Jean, I do have have one last cupcake stashed in the fridge. Stayed tuned I have a few more cupcake topper ideas in store 😉