Welcome. I’m Sherri and you are visiting The Kitchen Prescription. Thanks for stopping by. If you’re here it’s because you want to know a little more about the person behind the blog.
I live in Sunny South Florida, or what we S. Floridians like to call…Paradise. I’m originally a Mid Western girl where I spent the first 39 years of my life. I packed up what belongings I could fit in my car, and moved to Florida December 29, 2006. Most of my family thought I wouldn’t last here three months. Now here it is…a decade and a half later! I’m still here and completely enamored with the sunshine, warm weather, ocean, and palm trees.
A lot has changed over the years. I started this food blog in 2010 because I ran out of blogging ideas and posted a recipe of what I was making for dinner one day. I was hooked.
I finally had a direction and purpose for my blog. I changed the name of my blog and purchased a domain and the rest is documented history.
Little did I know that the food blogging industry was already booming. I fell in love with food writing, food styling, and photography and that has remained with me all these years.
Hundreds of thousands of food bloggers have come and gone. Some have moved on to bigger and better and things. Some are just beginning and some have hung up their aprons for good. I’m still here and don’t plan on going anywhere.
I love sharing recipes and stories about food and my life. The recipes you will find here are mostly comfort foods and desserts of my childhood and the foods I miss most in the midwest. Foods like Rivels, pierogi, pot roast, pizza, cabbage rolls, huluski, and so much more.
I grew up in the Rust Belt in Mahoning Valley, Ohio and raised my children in the Northeast Ohio Trumbull County area. Mahoning Valley and Northeast Ohio recipes will be a staple here but you’ll find the occasional Mexican cuisine recipe as well.
I come from a Pennsylvania Dutch heritage as well as Scottish, Irish, and a bit Native American Indian. I was born in Steubenville, Ohio (Think Dean Martin.) I lived in Mingo Junction, Ohio (Home of the Mingo or Iroquois Indians.) Mingo is a little steel mill town nestled in the hills along the Ohio River which separates Ohio from West Virginia.
When I was two years old my Dad, Mom, 2 older sisters, me and my little brother moved to Youngstown, Ohio where my dad got a job as a chef at Strouss’ Department Store Restaurant in Downtown Youngstown. I guess food is in my DNA.
My parents later added two more sisters to our brood. My dad moved on from Strouss’ and worked at Tippecanoe Country Club as a chef and spent most of his career as head chef at The Colonial House, a very upscale restaurant in Uptown Youngstown, Ohio.

Most weekends you will find me in the kitchen, but when I’m not, you might find me at the beach. Or maybe I’m out exploring what South Florida has to offer.
I love my children and family very much. Terry is my significant other and soul mate. I have a son and daughter and each are married.

We recently added one more to the family. My son and his wife welcomed a beautiful baby girl June 24, 2022. I’m officially a Nana now!

I work part time as a Registered Nurse at a vitamin injection/infusion store and I love it. I’ll always be a nurse at heart, but I’ve turned in my stethoscope and scrubs for cutesy aprons, pastry bags, and various other kitchen gadgets!
I spend my free time blogging recipes here. I also make, sell, and write about pottery on my other website, Vanilla Vine Pottery.
And because I’m not busy enough I also run The Kitchen Prescription YouTube channel
…and Vanilla Vine Pottery YouTube channel. I’d love it if you’d subscribe to my channels as well.
I hope you enjoy my sometimes humorous posts filled with recipes and stories about cooking, food, family, and much more.
If you would like to partner up with me, have a food product, kitchen gadget, or food related item you would like me to review please contact me at thekitchenprescription@gmail.com.
I only partner up or review brands I feel best fits my blog and products I believe in.
Follow me on Instagram stories where I post live video recipes and sometimes say funny things.
I love to bake and cook up a storm too. I really love your new site. I plan on trying the Turtle cupcakes. I saved you blog and plan on visiting often.
Hi Kelly. I checked out your blog too! I didn’t know you were a fellow blogger. Yay! I’ll be stopping by yours often too. Thanks for dropping by đŸ™‚
Cute pic by your niece!
Thanks Jean.
Sherri, My darlin buddy! I just wanted to stop by and leave my 2-cents. đŸ™‚ I love your website! Keep up the awesome work and don’t forget my birthday is December 4th lol đŸ˜‰ jk
Donica, you are too sweet! Thanks for contributing your 2 cents. Love it. Ok. Filing that date away. đŸ™‚
Love your blog .
Great site, how do you stay so slim with all those great cupcakes?
im so happy for you the foods look fantastic but you were always a good cook keep pursuing your dream people love to eat im one of them lol
Hi I would love your full recipe for peanut butter chocolate chip carmel pretzel cookie. It looks so good and I would love to make them. Thank you, Barbara
I love that you posted a way to make DiCarlo’s Pizza. I’m from Steubenville and live in Las Vegas. I brag about the pizza all the time. Can’t wait to try!! Thanks again and love your blog!! đŸ™‚
Please remove anything and everything that involves DiCarlos Pizza. DiCarlos Pizza is a registered trademark with the USPTO and it us illegal to publish articles that have to do with our product with out consent. Your article has come to my attention from a number of people. I appreciate the fact that you are a fan, but I don’t appreciate you posting recipes that have to do with my business and also are incorrect. I don’t want to make this a legal issue, but please remove your article immediately.
-DiCarlo’s Pizza
Really?! Come on. She explained what many of us know (that the cheese is put on after, and the pepperoni is room temperature) and love already about your establishment. The recipe had good hints and by definition, was close…but not the actual recipe. This is the best advertising that you can get! Free! Please make this right and allow others to enjoy trying to come close to what can only truly be gotten from the source: DiCarlo’s Pizza.
When we come home, we will still buy many slices of the very real thing; believe me, your business won’t suffer. It might if many realize that this has happened and take social media action.
Please see my latest blog post below.
Hi Sherri
I found your recipe for Strawberry Balsamic Champagne Sauce today. It is strawberry season here in Australia and I would love to make this sauce for Christmas gifts. What is the shelf life of the sauce if it is put into a rubber sealed glass container? Could I make the sauce now or should I wait until closer to Christmas?
Kind regards
Hi Sherri,
I attempted to make the copycat Dicarlo’s pizza for the first time last night. I mixed the dough Friday night and came back to your website last night to make the sauce and see how to finish the pizza but the recipe is no longer available. I did the best I could to go by memory and it actually turned out pretty good. I would love to keep making this. Is there any way you can send me your complete recipe by email?
Thank you,
Hi Vince,
I’m so sorry that happened. I was updating my site and was troubleshooting an issue and in the process I unpublished the post and forgot to republish it. Gah! Thanks for letting me know as I have a few other posts that need republished as well.
Everything is back in order but I’ll leave the link here for you. Sorry about that once again.
Thank you a million times for your blog about your Tibial Plateau Fracture. I suffered the same injury in 2020 after falling from a ladder. Didn’t feel a thing so I’ve always been in denial (don’t know whether that was a good thing or not!!) Anyway, I found your website and read and re-read your posts and they really helped me through everything. I’m now going for surgery to have the hardware removed, and so re-read your posts to see what I might expect. I wanted to write to you on a number of occasions, but approaching this next hurdle brought it up again. So many thanks for your terrific blog – glad you are doing well too.
Thank you so much Pat for reaching out. Yes, I’m doing extremely well. I’m now approaching 6 1/2 years of recovery and it’s this awful injury is merely a distant memory. I’ll never forget it, but it doesn’t weigh on my mind or limitations as much as it used to. I’m so grateful I was able to recover so well and I wish the same for you. Best of luck in your removal surgery recovery.